Jiri Lundak

Scrum Talk at Event for Swiss FDJP Project Managers

In Agile, Scrum on June 26, 2007 at 5:01 pm

I will be giving a talk about our experience with Scrum in a large project at an event of the Swiss Federal Department of Justice and Police on June, 28th.

Here the slides (in German) in Powerpoint format: Scrum in der Praxis (Powerpoint).

And as PDF: Scrum in der Praxis (PDF).

  1. Very nice presentation, indeed, thanks.

    Concerning Scrum @ Admin.ch – is there any progress being made on Scrum + Hermes?

  2. Hi Hannes, thanks for the nice words. Sorry for the late response.

    As about Scrum + Hermes: Peter Stevens and myself are still looking for ways to put a foot in the door and be able to bring Scrum to Hermes.

    Our talk at the FDJP event was quite a sucess, but we noticed, that most of the project managers there do not have any ideas, knowledge about Agile processes.

    There has still a lot of awareness building to be done, before some acceptance can be build on a broader basis. Some individuals get it, most others do not. And many of those who see the benefit, do not have the courage to make the first step to change their organisations.

    We keep on trying in any case…but unfortunately there is no fast way I can currently see.

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